
from the Middle East

PALESTINIAN SOCIETY in Gaza, West Bank and Arab Jerusalem
A Survey of Living Conditions - Marianne Heiberg and Geir Øvensen.
Fafo report 151 - ISBN 82-7422-105-2

Trends in Palestinian household economy - Geir Øvensen
Fafo report 166 - ISBN 82-7422-121-4

The Potential of UNRWA Data for Research on Palestinian Refugees
A study on UNRWA Administrative Data - Lena C. Endresen and Geir Øvensen.
Fafo report 176 - ISBN 82-7422-135-4

Finding Ways
Palestinian Coping Strategies in Changing Environments - Signe Gilen, Are Hovdenak, Rania Maktabi, Jon Pedersen and Dag Tuastad
Fafo report 177 - ISBN 82-7422-136-2

Fafo, Institute of applied Social Science, is an institute for commissioned research. These reports on the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in the Occupied Territories and Lebanon, are examples of Fafo's strategic research which has contributed to the peace process in the Middle East.
P.O. Box 2947 Tøyen
N-0608 OSLO
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A complete list of Fafo publications


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