Appendix 6
Socio-Economic Data Base:
Special Hardship Cases
The Social Study Report questionnaire contains the following questions regarding
the family:
- Registration No:
- Name of Head of Family:
- Address:
- Date of visit:
- Total family income:
- Local currency:
- In camp/outside camp
- Tent/Camp Shelter/Apartment/House/Room/Others
- Owned/Rented/Free of charge/Shared/Squatters/Others
- No. of rooms
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- WC
- Electricity Available/Not available/Yes/No
- Water Available/Not available/Yes/No
- Underground sewage Available/Not available/Yes/No
- Garbage collection Available/Not available/Yes/No
Accommodation is:
- Damp Yes/No
- Ventilated Yes/No
- Built area m2
- Yard area m2
Does accommodation need rehabilitation?
Reconstruction Yes/No
Repair Yes/No
Condition is Adequate/Inadequate
- Primus stove Yes/No
- Table top stove Yes/No
- Oven Yes/No
- Refrigerator Yes/No
- Washing machine Yes/No
- Heating stove Yes/No
- Water heater Yes/No
- Sewing machine Yes/No
- Radio Yes/No
- TV B&W Yes/No
- Colour TV Yes/No
- Video Yes/No
Assistance received during last two years:
- Cash $
- Shelter rehabilitation Yes/No
- Grants Yes/No
- Loans Yes/No
- Soft loans Yes/No
The Social Study Report questionnaire contains the following questions regarding
all the individuals in a SHC family:
- Date of birth:
- Sex:
- Family status:
Registration no:
- Rank:
- First name:
- Died:
- Married:
- Moved away:
Imprisoned (all charges):
- No. of visits to doctor last year 05/610/10 & over
- Inter-family marriage? Yes/No
- Any disability? Yes/No
- Mental (table)
- Physical (table)
- Formal education Yes/No
- Child in kindergarten Yes/No
- Age: Years, months
- Elementary In/Completed/Drop out
- Preparatory In/Completed/Drop out
- Secondary In/Completed/Drop out
- University In/Completed/Drop out
- UNRWA Vocational Training Centre/Teacher Training Centre
- (table)
- Other than UNRWA Vocational Training Centre/Teacher Training Centre
- Counselling Yes/No/Not available
- Special education class Yes/No/Not available
- Literacy training Yes/No/Not available
Economic status/potentials
- Employed Yes/No
- Present occupation (table)
- Occupation (table)
- Has a small business? Yes/No
- Economic activity (table)
- Income per month Currency
- Had a small business? Yes/No
- Economic activity (table)
- Discontinued/closed Month, year
- Reason (given by respondent) No demand for goods or services in
- the market/No profits/No capital/Others
- Skills (table)
- acquired through: Informal training/Women's Programme Centres/Others/By
experience/Learnt from mother/Father/ Others (Specify)
Interests (table)