Appendix 3
Health Statistics
The Annual Reports of the Department of Health
List of health information and variables. (Excluding statistical data on
diabetes care)
Budgeted expenditure in US $
Jordan, West Bank, Gaza, Syria Lebanon
Regular, Extraordinary Measures in Lebanon and the Occupied Territories
(EMLOT), Expanded Programme of Assistance (EPA), Gaza hospital project,
Peace Implementation Programme (PIP)
Area staff
Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Para-medical staff, Administrative/clerical/secretarial,
Health education, Other
Health care facilities
Health units, Dental clinics, Laboratories, Specialist clinics, Special
care clinics (Diabetes/hypertension)
Services provided and utilization of these (out-patient services)
Number of:
- First visits
- Repeat visit
- Injections
- Dressings
- Dental consultations
Services provided and utilization of these (in-patient services)
Number of:
- Contracted hospitals
- General hospital beds
- Patients admitted
- Patient days
- Average daily bed occupancy
- Average stay in days
- UNRWA maternity units
- Women admitted
- Bed days utilized
- Average daily bed occupancy
- Average stay in days
- Patients assisted through reimbursement schemes
Maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning
Maternal health care:
Number of:
- Pregnant women under supervision
- Total deliveries reported
- Proportion of deliveries according to place (at home, camp maternity,
private clinics, in hospital)
Child health care:
Number of:
- infants/children under supervision
- % regular attendance
- Leading causes of infant mortality
- Prevalence of growth retardation
Family planning services:
Number of:
- Family planning clinics
- Family planning acceptors
Distribution of acceptors according to contraceptive methods used
Communicable diseases
Incidence rates of 22 communicable diseases
Expanded programme on immunization
- Infants vaccinated with the OPV, DPT, BCG, and measles vaccine.
- Tetanus immunization of pregnant women
Environmental health services
Water supply:
- Percentage of shelters served by indoor connections
Liquid waste disposal:
- Number of camps partially or fully connected to sewerage systems
- Percentage of shelters connected to sewerage systems
Refuse disposal:
Number of camps served by:
- UNRWA mechanized equipment
- Contractual agreements
- Local disposal
Health Routine Reports
The routine reports from the Health Department reporting sites are the following:
Weekly reports:
- Report on infectious diseases
Monthly reports:
- In-Patient Medical Care Services
- Out-Patient Medical Care Services
Quarterly reports:
- Family Planning Services
- Mother and Child Health Care Services
- Expanded Program me of Immunization
- Under Weight Children Below Three Years
- Infant Mortality below One Year
- Child Mortality 1-5 Years
- Epidemiological Report in Relation to Immunization
- School Health Service
- Tuberculosis Control
Six Monthly Report:
- Environmental Health
- Laboratory Services
Annual Report:
- Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia
- Diabetes Mellitus