Appendix 3
Tables to chapter 2 (continued)

"Discouraged workers"

Table 2.18, Discouraged workers, by gender and main geographical area. Percentage of adults in respective groups who are outside the labour force




Male and female

  Gaza West Bank camps Gaza West Bank camps  
Discouraged workers 38 36 3 13 4
Other outside LF 62 64 97 87 96
n 815 348 1592 827 1315

Table 2.19 Persons outside the labour force who do not want to start working, by gender and main geographical area: reasons cited. Percentage of adults in respective groups who are outside the labour force and not discouraged workers



  Gaza West Bank camps Gaza West Bank camps Total
Housewife 3 2 80 63 56
Old/ill 42 44 9 17 20
Student 53 48 10 15 22
Live from pensions etc. 0 1 0 0 0
Other reasons 2 4 0 5 2
n 591 266 1637 763 3258

Table 2.20 Discouraged workers, reasons for not working or seeking jobs, by gender and main geographical area. Percentage of adult ÷discouraged workers in respective groups



  Gaza West Bank camps


West Bank camps
Given up hope for work 7 6


No work for my training 4 9


Security/no permission 89 85


n 307 124



Table 2.21 Discouraged workers, by main geographical area, gender and age. Percentage of persons in respective groups who are outside the labour force
  15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Male 12 73 76 53 18 0
n 328 209 106 47 56 69
Female 0 6 2 2 0 0
n 324 498 296 187 165 121
West Bank refugee camps            
Male 17 56 61 65 24 4
n 130 128 20 20 20 30
Female 15 21 11 4 1 2
n 195 270 150 76 89 47

Table 2.22 Discouraged workers, by main geographical area, gender and education. Percentage of adults in respective groups who are outside the labour force

Years of education

  0 1-6 7-9 10-12 13+ Student
Male 14 52 68 76 84 1
n 76 130 111 147 46 30
Female 0 0 0 2 45 0
n 360 210 330 452 71 168
West Bank refugee camps            
Male 12 35 67 82 63 2
n 26 57 73 49 16 127
Female 2 9 18 20 40 5
n 148 157 209 151 43 119


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