Appendix A.6 Tables
A6.1 Household wealth by region, refugee status and religion
A6.2 Household wealth by household composition and Head of Household characteristics
A6.3 Household wealth in Gaza and the West Bank by sub-region, type of locality, refugee status and religion
A6.4 Household wealth in Gaza and the West Bank by household composition and Head of Household characteristics
A6.5 Household weekly meat consumption by region and selected background variables
A6.6 Household weekly meat consumption by household composition and Head of Household characteristics
A6.7 Change in household income since the Gulf War in percent of households by selected background variables
A6.8 Percent of households earning labour income from
A6.9 Head of Household labour income index by selected background variables, Occupied territories
A6.10 Head of Household labour income index in Gaza and the West Bank by selected background variables
A6.11 Household income types by Head of Household labour activity
A6.12 Household income types in Gaza and the West Bank by Head of Household labour activity
A6.13 Percent of households receiving various non-labour income types by selected background variables
A6.14 Distribution of household income sources by household wealth group