Notes (Chapter 1)
- The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Facts and Figures About the
Palestinians, (Washington, DC, 1992), p. 5.
- Ibid., p. 5.
- Table 1 and the analysis pertaining to it will appear in a forthcoming
study written by the author for UNCTAD (Geneva) under the title of 'Social
Transformations and Development Prospects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip'.
- The data in this section is derived from PASSIA, The West Bank and Gaza
Strip, Jerusalem, l990, and from Lisa Taraki (ed.) Palestinian Society in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Akka, l990), pp. 70-82 and 205-207.
- Dawood Istanbooli et al, The Agriculture of the Occupied Territories and
the Conditions of Development (Arabic), Arab Thought Forum, Jerusalem, l981.
- D. Istanbooli, ibid.
- CBS, Statistical Abstract of Israel, l988, and The West Bank Data Project
(WBDP), The West Bank and Gaza Atlas (Jerusalem, l988), pp. 28-29.
- UNIDO, Survey of the Manufacturing Industry in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, June l984; WBDP, The West Bank and Gaza Atlas, p. 43.
- WBDP, The West Bank and Gaza Atlas, p. 28.
- See for example the section on 'Society' in Lisa Taraki (ed.), Palestinian
Society in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Akka, 1990); and in Elia Zureik
and Khalil Nakhleh (eds.), Sociology of the Palestinians, (London: Croom
Helm, 1980).
- For a discussion of the relationship between migration and the mobility
of the Palestinian family in the l950s and l960s, see Abdullah Lutfiyyeh,
Baytin: A Jordanian Village, Mouton, The Hague, l966.
- Linda Ammons, West Bank Villagers: The Influence of National and International
Politics on Village Life, unpublished PhD thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Mass., l978.
- Ammons, ibid., p. 224. For an alternative perspective, see Annalies Moors,
"Rural Women in the West Bank: Gender, Kinship, and the Domestic Economy",
in Afaq Filistiniyya, no. 5 (Summer l990) [in Arabic].
- Quoted in Don Peretz, The West Bank: History, Politics, Society, and
Economy (Westview Press, Boulder, 1986), p. 80.
- Raja Shehadeh, Occupier's Law: Israel and the West Bank, Institute for
Palestine Studies (2nd ed. Washington DC, 1988), p. viii, 114-115.
- Ibid., p. ix, 40.
- Ibid., pp ix-x, 91-95.
- Ibid., x-xi.
- Anthony Coon, Town Planning Under Military Occupation, Dartmouth Publishing
Company, London, 1992 (155-202).
- For an overview of this system, see Sarah Graham-Brown, "Impact
on the Social Structure of Palestinian Society" in Aruri, ed., Occupation:
Israel over Palestine (second edition), Belmont, Mass. l989, pp. 361-397.
- In mid-March, l99l, however, the Israeli Court of Justice rejected an
appeal by Israeli farmers to stop Palestinian farm products from 'being
smuggled' into the Israeli market. Although the practical significance of
this judgement is not yet clear it seems to overturn the de facto control
of Arab products into Israel, although restrictions continue to take the
form of curtailing water use, land appropriation, and curfews during the
harvest seasons. (See Jerusalem Post, March 21, l992, "Court Rejects
Quotas for Farmers in the Areas").
- For a discussion of social aspects of the uprising and its prelude, see
Jamal Nassar and Roger Heacok (ed.), Intifada: Palestine at the Crossroads
(New York: Praeger, 1990); David McDowell, Palestine and Israel: The Uprising
and Beyond (London: I.B. Tauris, 1989); Naseer Aruri, Occupation: Israel
over Palestine (Boston: Southend Press, second edition, 1986); Kimmerling,
B. and Migdal, J., Palestinians: The Making of a People (New York: The Free
Press, 1993); Michael Roman and Alex Weingrod, Living Together Separately:
Arabs and Jews in Contemporary Jerusalem (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1991).
- For a discussion of these issues, see my essay "Left in Limbo: Leninist
Heritage and Islamic Challenge", in Middle East Report, No. 179 (November
- December 1992), pp. 16-21.
- JMCC, Bitter Harvest: Israeli Sanctions Against Palestinian Agriculture
During the Uprising, Jerusalem, l989.
- Palestine Human Rights Information Center (PHRC,Jersualem), June 1992
Update, and The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Facts and Figures
on the Palestinians (Washington), 1992, p. 28.
- Ibid. These figures do not include the January 16 - February 25, 1991
period when during the Gulf War the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip were
closed. According to PHRC these curfews would add up an additional 2,600
days (based on an average of 65 areas covering a population of 300,000 people
under curfew for 40 days).
- PHRC, ibid. The breakdown of demolitions and sealing of houses are as
follows: demolished for 'security reasons': 500 units; demolished for lack
of building license: 1,319; demolished by settlers 4; sealed buildings for
'security reasons': 370 units.
- See Anthony Coon, Town Planning Under Military Occupation, op.7
- Coon, Ibid., p. 114-116.cit., pp. 107-154.