This is a test to see if it's coming through on your end and if the punctuation is going to be working. This is a test to see if it's coming through. How does the punctuation look? Is it working all right? I'll try to do short sentences so you can see. This is a test. This is a test? This is a test. This is a test to see if it's performing the line breaks all right. Are the line breaks okay? Is it working all right the way you want it? It looks good at the end of every sentence it's taking a line feed. That's what we want. You don't have to process those at all. THE COURT: This is a test to see how this is going to look. This is a test to see. THE COURT: This is a test to see how this is going to come up. Listen, when you hit the key for either candidate Gore, bush or moderate or can you take a line feed, then say candidate bush then another feed. This is looking pretty good. We're happy. Now, this is the environment that we'll be testing at 3:00 then. Okay. Excellent. That will give us a chance to run some duration. We'll plan for an hour and we'll see how the connectivity works, the lower case looks good. Of course, now, how did we get capital G for Gore? That's i nteresting. Listen, when you hit the key, Gore's name was NO CARRIER RING CONNECT 2400/ARQ/LAPM/V42BIS THIS IS A TEST THIS IS A TEST. +++ NO CARRIER RING CONNECT 2400/ARQ/LAPM/V42BIS +++ATAT&F &C1 &D2 E0Q0V1 NO CARRIER RING CONNECT 2400/ARQ/LAPM/V42BIS This is a test. This is a test. The tape will start playing in just a moment and then I'll start writing what is on the tape. In the meantime here is an example. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] >> I see those umbrellas. We had them last year because of all the rain, right? I'm praying for clouds to come over and shield us like they did a few minutes ago. CANDIDATE BUSH: I want to kno w how you can endure this for three hours in the afternoon back to back, no breaks or anything else. Can you really handle this? CANDIDATE GORE: yes, I can. This has got to be some unique experience for all of us because I'm thinking that you guys are about to not be able to make it. I see a lot of things flying. This is a fluid group here as you can see moving around. There has to be 40,000 people here for a workshop. MODERATOR: it blows my mind. I'm excited about this session and as I mentioned this morning about -- in fact I might as well put my real glasses on so I can see you. As I mentioned this morning,, one of the things that gets me all excited is what Moses, through the Lord, giving him the message, the ten commandments that the sins of the fathers are visited on the children up to four generations. What is more significant. To those of us who are obedient to the Lord, he then blesses our kids for four generations. [APPLAUSE] so the same thing is true just on the opposite direction. Incidentally, do you know why Moses wandered in the desert? Women are spreading this woman around. Do you know why Moses wandered in the desert 40 years? Because he wouldn't stop and a sk for directions. I'm going to try to do this in a hurry so that although if it doesn't work out in a hurry we'll stay a couple of seconds over. We're running a little late this afternoon but we're going to give it a whirl. I want to share the four most common symptoms and reflections of an unhealthy family. Unhealthy marriage, friendship. You don't have to be married to be involved in unhealthyness and show how we can make adjustments in those four areas and see ourselves becoming healthy and it's not that Favre a distance where we have to move but it's very important. I'll end by sharing t wo things that you and I can do as W0*S as men to bring the greatest amount of change in our life from what I've been able to observe over the last several years. The two things also that I want to mention is that here are the two very great things that have to do with these four overall. I hope that makes sense to you. These are two very damaging ingredients in the unhealthy home, or relationship or church. Then I'm going to try to illustrate it and explain it. There's a couple of these things I don't want any confusion on. Number one, if you are the kind of person that wants to have too uch control over your children or your wife or your business or your church, too much control leads to unhealthyness. It's a real important point. Number two, if you're the kind of person that creates too much distance between yourself and the people in your home, your wife or your people in church, if you do not let people get close to you and you create too much separation, you're too disengaged, too far away from people, those two things are probably the most poisonous of all. If we didn't say anything else and we are here realizing that we either were raised that way or we have too much of it ourselves, w e're too controlling and we're too closed, we're too distant, too cold. We could say. Those are two very important things that have to do with these four symptoms of unhealthy relationships. CANDIDATE BUSH: the first one that I want to mention, and I have an object for each one of these things here so I'll move this over a little bit and see if we can remember it. CANDIDATE GORE: this will represent, as you'll see in a second, it's kind of a poor replica but it will help us remember it. Any time we do not -- I'll explain this. But any time we do not encourage and stimulate or t he opposite, anytime we shut down our children or our wife from thinking, the first one is they don't think. We don't allow them to think. Now, this represents the brain. Does it look like a brain to you? Now, some of you are thinking, you know, how in the world does this have anything to do with anything that would be unhealthy? What we're finding is that anytime we shut our children down when we say that's a stupid way to think. Anytime we belittle their thoughts that's an important thing. Anytime we are disinterested in their thoughts. Anytime they start to explain something to us as a child and we ignore it. Anytime we sense they're not thinking and encouraging that. When there's too much control and we're too distant we don't let them think. The healthy family is when we are encouraging them to think, encouraging them to negotiate. Encouraging them to use their brain in interaction with us. I'm not talking about just letting them say whatever they want, and read whatever they want, and express whatever they want. All of the research that I've been reading and studying shows that husbands and wives who are united and in control in their home in a loving way, it's very healthy experienc e. MODERATOR: I'm not talking about letting them read whatever they want. Just open their brain and let anything pour into it. What I'm talking about is when we belittle their thoughts and expressions and we ignore them and don't let them negotiate. In my home, we said something continually. If I had one message to give to America, to the world as a matter of fact. When I was in Russia last fall, I had the opportunity to meet with some of the people who are writing their constitution right now. And every opportunity I had, I kept saying to them, whatever you do, build into your constitution the concept of honor. Because when the scripture says in Romans 12:10 that we are to be devoted to one another in brotherly love, preferring one another in honor. Everywhere I read in the scripture I see that honor is such a key, key concept. As a matter of fact, we had six basic rules in our home when our kids were growing up. I had to learn this from a lot of different people. But the fifth rule in our home was honor God and his creation. Caring for God and his creation. If I had it to do over as a parent I would put that as rule number one, or concept number one, or idea number one, or thinking pr ocess number one. Now I realize that honor covers everything that I do. Honor is when we place value on someone. Honor is when we realize that something that's very important. Now, everything my kids came up with in thought wise, almost always we negotiated it through the filter of honor. Was this honorable? There was a time when I remember when music was a big issue with my kids and certain kinds of issues -- of music. I was getting on in years, my 30's and 40's, and so there was a certain kind of music I didn't like but my kids liked it. I can remember when we negotiated about what ki nd of music to have in the house. What could they listen to themselves. Everything we negotiated was always filtered through honor. MODERATOR: I remember everywhere we would go I would say to them, now, I want you to think about something. What is the greatest thing on this earth? They would say dad it's honoring people, God and things and ourselves. Everywhere we would go I would say what is the greatest thing in life? Here is what we would do. I used that all the time. We used to go to motels and travel a lot and we had a motor home. I would speak around the country. I would have my kids with me. I can remember when the boys were young. I have three children. One of my sons was with me. One was at a cheerleading camp and my daughter is very pregnant and giving us our first grand baby so -- [APPLAUSE] >> I can hardly wait. That's the generation that we get to see. So anyway, we would go into a motel room, for example. The first thing the boys would start to do just natural boy things. They start jumping on the bed back and forth. I would say hold it, guys. I would say who owns this motel? They'd say, I don't know. Who owns this bed here? I don't know. I said, well, I don't. Are we honoring these people's things here by jumping all over the bed? They would all go, oh. I'd say, what is the greatest thing in life? They would say honoring God and honoring people and ourselves. God's creation. I'd say if you want to jump -- you h NO CARRIER RING CONNECT 2400/ARQ/LAPM/V42BIS This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. T his is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. CANDIDATE BUSH: because the first time I have written my book key to your child's heart, a parenting book. The kids were small. I should have waited until they were grown and I would have been a little more relaxed. I was always afraid they were going to goof up and discredit the book. [LAUGHTER] so this one night we had these several couples over to our house in Texas. And -- Texas. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] how about Oklahoma? [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] >> you know who an Oklahoma per son said to me the other day? They told me the best thing out of Texas that ever came out of Texas was I-35. [LAUGHTER] I didn't say that, it was the Oklahoma people that said that. Anyway, these weird things come to my brain. Where was I? We had this company in our home and so I told the two boys ahead of time, I said, look, we've got company coming over to the house. Now you know how to act. I don't want you to even think of doing anything where I can hear you. I want you to just be models, right? There were just little. So here is all the company in my living room. I had shut all t he doors to the hall and their room and I let them stay in my bedroom on the bigger bed and said you guys with sleep together and have a good time but I don't want to hear you. I don't want you thinking on your own, okay? [LAUGHTER] so the company is enjoying themselves. All of a sudden I hear bang, crash, they're having a great time but they're noisy. Banging against the hall and I'm distracted and irritated. I'm thinking to myself, I just told them moments ago that I didn't want to hear them and I didn't want them to think about doing anything but staying in this bed. This is bordering on cont rol. [LAUGHTER] so -- and so I said to the company, I said, excuse me, I'm going to dismiss myself for a few seconds and take care of something. Just go right ahead and keep talking. So I opened the hall door and shut it immediately. They were playing soccer in the hall with a sock. And they were defending their goals so they were blasting against the walls. I said, I told you I didn't want to hear a word out of either one of you. It's embarrassing to me. You get in the bedroom and I don't want to hear from you. I don't want to hear you and I mean it. I'm talking you're in trouble if I hear you. Because I don't want to be any more embarrassed. These people will want a refund on my book. [LAUGHTER] so I went -- I left them in the room and I shut the bedroom door and I shut the hall door. There's a big distance between them and our company. So I'm sitting there talking to these people and I'm starting to feel bad about this. And I'm thinking to myself, oh, how can you keep doing this? Why do you keep preferring your reputation, these other people over the Spirit of your sons? Your sons are in that bedroom right now with their Spirit closing. You have just degraded them, about dishonored them? What is the greatest thing? Life? You just dishonored them and violated your own biblical. You know it's God's will for them to feel valued by you. One of the greatest gifts you give their kid is when they feel valued, especially by dad. I said to the company. Excuse me for a minute. I have to take care of another thing one second. They just went ahead. They didn't have any idea what I was doing. I opened the hall door, shut it. Went to the bedroom and opened the bedroom door and Greg said to me instantly, I knew you'd come back in here. [LAUGHTER] why did my son know I was coming bac k in there? Because I already had a habit of goofing up off and on. And then my Spirit would know that I was wrong. If you as a dad know that there's a heaviness within your wife and kids, you know you've said something you shouldn't say. You may have the kind of wife or child that won't say anything to you. They don't want to confront you because they're afraid. How many wives have told me that they're basically afraid of us because they don't know what we're going to do. That's where I was. And so I sought their forgiveness and told them I loved them and told them I loved them more than books , visitors and whatever. I said it would be nice if you stayed in bed and went to sleep here. I want you to know that I was wrong to come in here and treat you like I did. Their little Spirit. They forgave me. This is what they did. One of our unwritten rules in our home is that we don't like to go to sleep at night if we know that someone else is angry with us. [APPLAUSE] even though my kids are married and gone we still do that. And I'll call them on the phone or they'll call me and say I really goofed up again today. You think I would get this down eventually, wouldn't you? I don't beli eve it about you any more than I believe it about me. I know it's possible to continue to seek forgiveness and that type of thing because, well, that's the first one. I don't -- where are we with time, just out of curiosity? I know they'll edit it. Forget about time. Number two. We have to encourage them to think and negotiates. Make sure honor is a part of it. I remember to remember this because it's a theme that goes through the entire one. This is sort of the thread, okay? This is our hand. So when it comes to thinking, when I got in bed with those two boys and made things clear, this is a soft hand. So what we want to do is make sure we're touching our kids and our wife and our loved ones in all four of these areas. This is the thread. Soft, gentle, loving touch is a key, key factor. So keep this right here. And bring it back each time. Number two, the first one is don't talk -- I'm sorry, don't think, we want to encourage them to think. The second one is don't talk. If you came from a home where you were not allowed to talk a lot. If you heard don't join the adults, I don't want this expression. Do you know, guys, the average man speaks about 12,000 words a day, t he average man. The average woman speaks about 25,000 words a day. You know what that means? If you're on a job where you speak a lot of your 12,000 when you get home at night and says can we talk, you're done. [LAUGHTER] and she's just warming up. Guess what, if you have any daughter -- how many of you have daughters. They have that same need. How many of you sit down on their bed at night before they go to sleep and just listen to anything they want to say? You know what I used to do, I used to say to my daughter, are we going anywhere with this conversation? [LAUGHTER] do you have a point to this? I used to want to know where we were going instead of just listening to her talk. So as I got older and taught more by wise men around the country I don't have to do where we're going. I want to know what she wants to talk about. Guys, guess what, if you don't let your wife talk, and -- you want to hear what the average is to a great family? If you want to have a whole new generation, this is sort of a -- this represents say a typical family. If you want to have a healthy family and a generation that goes four generations, if you don't let her talk and your kids talk, what i t does is it bottles them up inside and keeps them immature, selfish and they feel actually ashamed and they themselves will have a hard time relating when they get older. That may be your situation right now. How many of you came from a home where you felt at times that you -- what you had to say was not always that valuable and were ignored? Look at the hundreds of men. Now, that may be your tendency naturally but that doesn't mean you have to live like that because you were raised like that. We don't have to live like that. We can make a decision to say, whatever it takes I want to learn how to have a healthy home. If a healthy home is where my wife and kids are allowed to talk, I want that. [APPLAUSE] whatever it takes. I don't always have to be overly -- in fact, you know the average woman gets more enjoyment in talking about a vacation than actually taking a vacation? So you can say honey, let's talk about it, we don't actually have to take it. [LAUGHTER] doesn't work that way, no. Talk. Anytime we start belittling them, ignoring them, we have to actually invite it, draw it out of them. You know when the best times all the times for kids to talk is right after school. So t here are times when you need to come home from work and be there. They can talk about everything right after school. They're like little cars with gas tanks. They run out of gas and they want to talk and fill up again. Other times you can't get them to talk. You say hey, son, how are you doing? Fine, dad. How are your friends at school? What is this the fifth degree, dad? Sometimes they don't want to talk. Other times my son will call me from the university. Sometimes he'll call me at 1:00 in the morning and want to talk and talk and talk and I'm thinking I wish he could just pick a tim e that was more convenient and appropriate but hey, when his gas tank is done, he's done. He's 20 years old. My daughter still, even though she is' married, my sons still want to talk from time to time. I get the privilege as a dad, just as you do, to meet that need. I can remember one time I was fishing up here in the mountains in Colorado years ago and I told the kids to go downstream and don't bother me and I was going to go upstream. They get all tangled up and it's a disaster. So Greg comes running up the stream, dad, dad. I said not this hole I'm catching fish in this hole. Go ahead . So he runs around and says dad, Carrie broke her leg! I said oh, I'm thinking to myself, what a terrible time to break your leg I'm just catching a fish. I got the secret down on this hole right here. So I said well, hold my pole -- [LAUGHTER] -- and don't lose it if there's one on there. I will go and check. She's crying and I said it's not broken it's bruised. She was trying to jump in and get something in the stream. Anytime you get a bruise, as you know, I'm embarrassed to tell you this, you should put your leg in the stream it's cold water, it's like ice. We need to ice this leg for a few seconds. I went back up and caught another trout. By this time her leg is almost blue the next time I went down with her and I'm saying come on. She wants to tell me about something. Come on, come on, tell mom she's up in the camper reading something. I'm pulling her up the bank. She's saying dad, dad. I finally stopped. She says dad, you are so rough. Listen to me. And I stood there and looked at her and I realized instantly what was happening. What was more important to me right there? Fishing. Can you imagine that? [LAUGHTER] so what I did is I put my arms around her, ge ntly, softly, put my arms around her and I held her close to me and I said Carrie, I am wrong. Your leg is hurt, I've been pulling you up the bank. Dad has been prefering the streams, water and sights over you and she said right, dad. I'm holding her right next to me and she's wiggling to get away from me. She pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes and says dad, did you use deodorant today? [LAUGHTER] it's kind of like some of us feel on a hot day like this. There's sometimes where you can't hug them as close as you would like to hug them. But what I was doing is I was not listening to her. I think a lot of you have heard the story before about the time that I pulled into the driveway in my house and my wife had moved our motor home to go to the grocery store. I was very upset because she ran into the house and sheared off a big section of the roof and it fell into the driveway, put a big hole in the motor home. It was a Saturday afternoon and I didn't want to be working on a motor home and a roof. The first thing that came to my mind was a group of lectures. I can't believe she did this. Where did she get her license, Sears? I was going to point every one of them out to her. As eloquently as I could. [LAUGHTER] so then I'm sitting in the car thinking to myself, what does my wife need right now? My wife needs a chance right now to express to me some things. And what does she need me to be right now? She needs me to be soft. In fact, I didn't even hold up the one for this. This is talk right here. [LAUGHTER] you can see that all over the place. This is talk. So I'll hold them both. And I was sitting in my car, how does this work here? There. I was sitting in my car and I'm thinking to myself, what does my wife need? I'm going to see her in a second, what does she need? Then Greg says, dad, why don't you do what you teach. And I thought, hey. [LAUGHTER] that's a good idea. I could get out of the car and I could hold her and let her express herself. What does she need to say to me? So I got out of the car and started walking. She comes flying around the side of the house and she starts crying instantly and she says, she said, I wrecked the camper X look what I did. The roof is -- I told the neighbors across the street and they're watching to see how you're going to respond. [LAUGHTER] so what did I do, guys? My nature thing? No, my nature was to lecture here on the spot. I didn't want to listen to her. But I know that's what she needs. That's what thousands of women have told me everywhere. One of the greatest things when they're losing energy is just to be held and listened to. And so I listened to her and in fact why not hold it up while we're at it? What do you think this is? An ear. Way to go. So I just listened to her and I held her. And I told her I loved her and I said you're more -- I said you're more important than campers and roofs will ever be. She was so energized. If you want to energize your wife no 30 to 60 seconds put your arms around her when she's frustrated. Don't give her any lectures. Some times she'll say I'm so frustrated about this house. I need some help. >> It's not uncommon of a man thinking his wife needs help. If you just get organized around here you wouldn't be so frustrated is what we think about it. Are you still taking those vitamins we spent all that money for? Worse yet, are you in the word on a regular basis? What happens is when we're lecturing them they lose more energy than when they start telling us they were losing energy. You might as well take a one-inch dril l and drill it right into her because it drains out the energy. What we could be doing is giving her energy by putting your arms around her. Put your arms around your kids softly to give them energy. Just hold them and say, I want to hear what you have to say. Well, that's two. Number three, anytime we belittle and do not allow our children and wife to feel, don't feel, saying things like this. Oh, that's so stupid. Don't make such a big deal out of it. How many times have you said to your wife? I can't believe you're so sensitive, golly. Any number of things that we do as husbands and fathers or friends for all of us -- all that are single, shut down our friends from feeling or our mate or children from feeling. That's why I have this little thing here. You know what happens when you come home at night if you've got a dog like this obviously, what do they do? They get so excited and jump all over the place. They snuggle up and you can feel the enthusiasm. Well, the reason I want to use this is because it's soft and anytime we get soft with our wife and our children and listen to their feelings, and value their feelings, we literally say, I want to hear your feelings. I want to treasur e your dwir in -- treasure your feelings. It's almost like a robin's egg in the nest. I want to treat your feelings like that egg. I want to be careful because you're extremely important to me. I remember the time that -- that we were at a drive through zoo and I know that my wife is afraid of things, I know that, certain things. And she had two or three major accidents when she was in high school. Lost some of her best friends in life were killed in an auto accident so there are times when we drive down the roads if I get off just a hair she'll go whoa. I think I'm about to have a wreck. She's sensitive about certain things and cars because she had those serious accidents. I'm aware of that. I remember the time we were driving through a drive-through zoo. We had a brochure and all that. And we got to a place where our car overheated and I had to pull off the road and she freaked out and she said not here. I said if anything happens to your car pull over, honk the horn and a ranger will rescue you. She was trying to express to me how she was feeling. Why I should have continued to go and even a little bit further to get out of the danger section. I wasn't listening to her. I was in control. So I started honking the horn. I honked for about 45 minutes. No friendly ranger ever came and rescued us. During that time all kinds of things happened. We had wild bureaus. I had to get out of the car. This was a borrowed convertible. They were chewing on the top. Then at one point an entire herd of buffalo came out of the woods and surrounded our car. One of them came over on my side, knelt down, giant head pressed against the window looking through there. And I couldn't even look at it. I said look at that is he gone yet? I said listen to him breathe, can you belie ve that? She said that's me breathing, not him. [LAUGHTER] so at 45 minutes the car cooled down. We drove out of there. We didn't speak for several miles because it was out of town. And then I started realizing what do I need to do here? One -- in fact, do you know what the major virus is that's transferred from generation to generation? It's anger. What was I doing to her? Provoking her to anger. What is one of the best ways to getting aer out of a person? Gentleness and softness and saying tell me how you feel. Where are you hurting? What is going on. Anytime we do something like that and we touch them softly, instantly we begin to drain them of anger. I want to move along to the fourth one. I can use this again. It is an extremely important one. Is that unhealthy relationships don't connect. They are distant. Dad is distant with the kids, mom is maybe distant. Anytime you get a lot of distance or separation, anytime you get a lot of non-interest. Anytime you get a lot of that separation, then that begins to push us towards the unhealthy. Look how it goes. If we don't allow thinking because of too much control. If we don't allow talking, too much control. Or feeling and we d on't connect. Those are the basic ingredients of unhealthyness. Look at health. We encourage them to think, negotiate with us, negotiate as husband and wife. We encourage them to talk, we draw it out of them. We want to know their feelings. Then we really want to connect and attach. I want to be close to my kids. Now, some of you may have heard me say this before. One of the greatest ways to connect that I have found with your kids and your wife is to do things with them. You can't just stay home and talk. You have to actually do something with them. We found that one of the best things we did it for 15 years, was camping. Now, I don't own any stock in camp things at all. It was one of the best things we did. It caused crises. When we got involved with a crises it drew us closer together and connected us. We were caught in the rain one time in Canada for 12 days. We were so frustrated with each other we could hardly talk. And we were in a restaurant. The kids were saying let's get out of this place. And my wife said I want to say because I want to see all the mountains you talked about. The kids said no, let's go to Washington. Another one said let's go to Seattle and I said no, w e are going back to Phoenix. We were fighting and Greg said, I've got the solution. And almost other people in the restaurant stopped because we were pretty loud. [LAUGHTER] he said, I say we go out in the camper and get a gun and shoot each other. [LAUGHTER] now, we all laughed, you know, high five and all that stuff. What camping did to us it brought us close. You don't have to camp to get it. Anytime you go through some kind of a crisis together as a family you can get close and it's by doing it all by yourself. CANDIDATE BUSH: well, I'm going to close with two things. I want to give you the two best things that I know of to see change in starting a whole new generation. Number one. I've found that the best thing you and I can do is to number one, assume 100% responsibility for our next generation and not be blaming anyone. I mentioned this this morning. Don't be accusing anyone saying I want to know what strengths I've got and what weaknesses I've got. I want to take control of my life and start doing what it is going to take to begin a new generation in my home. It's kind of like this. This is not it but this is similar to it because it's what I've done. I inherited from my father a weak heart system. My father died when he was 58 years old of a heart attack. My oldest brother who I just saw for the first -- he's been here the whole time. My oldest brother had a massive heart attack when he was 51 and by pass surgery. I'm the last of the boys and my brother who is four years older than me about five years ago or so had a massive heart attack at 51. Now, my oldest brother had a heart attack at 51, my just a little bit older than me brother had a massive heart attack and died at 51. What do you think that said about me? I had all those tests where it showed all th e cholesterol levels were massive. Of course I'm trying to get going in life and I'm stressed and I'm not eating right. In fact the day I had my physical I just had a CHILI size. Either you start eating different and enter sizing every day. I took 100% responsibility for my health. I began to pray every day. Asked God to give me wisdom. I asked God to make me -- I said God, reverse the process and give me wisdom how to do that. I used to have doctors lay hands on me and pray for me I used to say amen, I'm for that, whatever it was. But here is what happened. I got -- I'm not the kind of person tha t avoids doctors. I want to a doctor in Phoenix, Arizona. He began to work with me. Guys, there's a pill out today, for example, that tells my liver. You can get a prescription, tells my liver to cool it, calm down, will you? There's plenty of cholesterol level. It's cut my cholesterol level in half. There's a powder that I take that actually I can drink after I eat that pretty much takes most of the fatty foods that I eat, doesn't allow them to be digested. Isn't that a great powder? That's available today from doctors. You can get prescriptions on stuff like that. So I had a heart test in December and I had to go, they thought I had a heart attack last year, 51, during my 51st year. I had to have one of those things they put a television camera -- a television camera up your artery and into your heart. They put these dyes in there and stuff like that. It was in January or February and was I excited about it? Yes, had I been praying that God would do this? Yes. But I didn't know what I was going to hear. I know those forms that if you have a massive heart attack we have to do by pass surgery. What happened was, that I fell asleep during the procedure. I wasn't su