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Gopher: NET.unix-wizards

 *  "nap" system callplain
 *  'cpio'plain
 *  'grep diff'plain
 *  /etc/rc, /dev/console, and the C shellplain
 *  /etc/rc: stdin/stdout/stderr to /dev/console?plain
 *  10.0 * 0.1 =?= 1plain
 *  11/750 fpaplain
 *  11/780 UWCS query responseplain
 *  19.2Kb/termlib bugplain
 *  2.8 bsd archiver / v7plain
 *  2626 queryplain
 *  2BSD RX01 driver?plain
 *  4.1bsd carrier enable programplain
 *  5-1/4 floppies on unixplain
 *  50 Hz UNIXplain
 *  68000 Cplain
 *  68000 C compilerplain
 *  780 UBA/DH11 queryplain
 *  801/212 problem solvedplain
 *  801/212splain
 *  81.12.26_sri-unix.301_net.unix-wizardsplain
 *  81.12.26_sri-unix.306_net.unix-wizardsplain
 *  81.12.29_sri-unix.365_net.unix-wizardsplain
 *  81.12.30_sri-unix.372_net.unix-wizardsplain
 *  A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  A way to mail source files easilyplain
 *  APLplain
 *  APL?plain
 *  ARPA connections + Rogue 5.2plain
 *  Able DH's run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Annoying messages after posting to unix-wizardsplain
 *  Anomaly in ex3.6plain
 *  Anybody have a small Lisp?plain
 *  Anybody have an ADA compiler under VAX UNIX....plain
 *  Anyone doing PWB to V7-VMUNIX-System III conversion?plain
 *  Article about Cplain
 *  Article about Cplain
 *  Available Cross compilersplain
 *  Biff -splain
 *  Bug in queued message subsystem?plain
 *  Business packages i.e. accounting etc.plain
 *  C Compiler Documentationplain
 *  C Compiler Split I&D?plain
 *  C arrays: some odditiesplain
 *  C debugger and Franz Lisp queryplain
 *  C documentation bug?plain
 *  C-370 Experience?plain
 *  C-370 experiences?plain
 *  CAI driversplain
 *  COBOL Compiler Responsesplain
 *  Call for 3B20S/CDC/CDS help!plain
 *  Caveat Hackor (cc generates bad code for int *= float)plain
 *  Change in USENIX Scheduleplain
 *  Cheapo uucp phone callsplain
 *  Cobol for UNIX?plain
 *  Command line wild card expansionplain
 *  Compiler or assembler for 8086 or 8088plain
 *  Core -> a.out conversion programplain
 *  Correct unix-wizards addressplain
 *  DDCMP communication to an RT-11plain
 *  DDCMP communication to an RT-11 systemplain
 *  DEC DH11 on VAX - Final Answerplain
 *  DEC DH11 on a VAX750?plain
 *  DEC's ML11 Memory Diskplain
 *  DEC/UNIX time differenceplain
 *  DECnet/Unix Surveyplain
 *  DECnet/Unix Survey Resultsplain
 *  DH-11 on a VAX 11/780plain
 *  DH11 Humble Pieplain
 *  DQS-11 Driver for 4.1bsd?plain
 *  DR11B driver requestplain
 *  DRAW and PLACE information?plain
 *  DTR Hangup on DZ lines?plain
 *  DUP-11plain
 *  DUP11 driver?plain
 *  DZ/KMC Assisted MUX Problems, Anyone?plain
 *  Date: 17 Jan 82 9:35:57-EST (Sun)plain
 *  Date: 27 Dec 81 11:28:07-EST (Sun)plain
 *  Decreasing Disk Seek Timesplain
 *  Different traps/faults on 11/750 vs 11/780plain
 *  EMT trapplain
 *  EPROM programmer softwareplain
 *  Entry Keywordplain
 *  F4P v. V7?plain
 *  F77 for 11/70's without FPPplain
 *  Fast timer (1/60 sec) device driver for 4.1BSDplain
 *  Flame about shell metacharacter expansionplain
 *  Flamingplain
 *  Foreign Memory Problemsplain
 *  Foreign Memory Problemsplain
 *  Foreign Memory Problemsplain
 *  From notesfile net.unix-wizar at uicsovaxplain
 *  From notesfile net.unix-wizar at uicsovaxplain
 *  Full Duplex Modems and Uucpplain
 *  Funny Unix utility names, continuedplain
 *  Graphics Library Questionplain
 *  Graphics Surveyplain
 *  Greg Noel Hack Sitesplain
 *  Hacked makeplain
 *  Hardware Upgradeplain
 *  Help in proposing a local network of various machinesplain
 *  Hidden Feature of the Day: calendarplain
 *  Horrible cron bug (you've already seen this, Usenet)plain
 *  How do you get Escapes into .exrc files?plain
 *  Human Factorsplain
 *  Human Factors (watmath.1402 followup)plain
 *  IDM 500 meets Unixplain
 *  Interterminal Communicationsplain
 *  Jovial J73plain
 *  Just curious - bio.c queryplain
 *  LLITOUTplain
 *  Lauren@UCLA-Security's problemplain
 *  Learn Revisedplain
 *  Lisp againplain
 *  Lisp and Logo requestplain
 *  Listings.plain
 *  Mail systemsplain
 *  Making an a.out file from a core fileplain
 *  Mas mailer address syntaxplain
 *  Mass Mailers get Go-Aheadplain
 *  Memory Disksplain
 *  MicroNet protocolplain
 *  MicroNet protocolplain
 *  Mini Unixplain
 *  Modula queryplain
 *  More memory problemplain
 *  More on the fast timer driverplain
 *  More spelling while editingplain
 *  Multiplexed Filesplain
 *  Naive Users, Command Completionplain
 *  Naive usersplain
 *  Need info on Harrisplain
 *  Need info on Mail standardsplain
 *  Networking UNIX with RT11plain
 *  New Net Nameplain
 *  New Net Nameplain
 *  OA with WP, Inf. Ret., Relat. DBMS, C/PASCALplain
 *  OASplain
 *  Onplain
 *  One more try with mail problemplain
 *  P300 graphicsplain
 *  PDP-11 C compiler bugplain
 *  PDP-11 C compiler bugplain
 *  PDP-11 FP simulator in the kernelplain
 *  PDP-11 assembly language programming environmentplain
 *  PDP-11 stack sizeplain
 *  PWB-Version6 Compatibilityplain
 *  Pdp11 Csav Mysteryplain
 *  Periodic confusionplain
 *  Pert Chartingplain
 *  Printronix printerplain
 *  Pseudo-Flame: 3B's, CDC's, CDS's, BTL/WECoNETplain
 *  Query on V6 with RL disksplain
 *  RE: Caveat Hackersplain
 *  RK05 size and DEC systemsplain
 *  RL problemplain
 *  RSTS mail systemplain
 *  RTS/CTS Protocol for UNIX 4.0plain
 *  RX01 floppy driver for 2.8BSD Unix???plain
 *  Re: Foreign Memory Problemsplain
 *  Re: Greg Noel Hack Sitesplain
 *  Re: More memory problemplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  Re: Shared Text for Split i/dplain
 *  Re: enhancement to UNIX mail programplain
 *  Re: more on /etc/rc and /dev/consoleplain
 *  Re: niceplain
 *  Re: /etc/rc: stdin/stdout/stderr to /dev/console?plain
 *  Re: 11/70 Real Time Memory Mapplain
 *  Re: 2.8 from a TS-11; 4.1 and TU58plain
 *  Re: 5-1/4 floppies on unixplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: APL?plain
 *  Re: Able DH"s run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Re: Able DH"s run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Re: Able DH"s run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Re: Able DH"s run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Re: Able DH's run at 19200 baud at the EXTA baud rate.plain
 *  Re: Anyone doing PWB to V7-VMUNIX-System III conversion?plain
 *  Re: C Compiler Documentationplain
 *  Re: CNTL-D on outputplain
 *  Re: Call for 3B20S/CDC/CDS help!plain
 *  Re: Caveat Hackorplain
 *  Re: Caveat Hackor (cc generates bad code for int *= float)plain
 *  Re: Core -> a.out conversion programplain
 *  Re: EMT trapplain
 *  Re: EMT trapplain
 *  Re: F4P v. V7?plain
 *  Re: Great gaping security holeplain
 *  Re: Human Factorsplain
 *  Re: Human Factorsplain
 *  Re: Human Factorsplain
 *  Re: Interterminal Communicationsplain
 *  Re: Interterminal Comumunicationsplain
 *  Re: Just curiousplain
 *  Re: Mas mailer address syntaxplain
 *  Re: Mass Mailers get Go-Aheadplain
 *  Re: Mass Mailers get Go-Aheadplain
 *  Re: Naive usersplain
 *  Re: Networking UNIX with RT11plain
 *  Re: New Net Nameplain
 *  Re: New Net Nameplain
 *  Re: New Net Nameplain
 *  Re: New Net Nameplain
 *  Re: New Net Name (watmath.1384 followup)plain
 *  Re: New name for USENETplain
 *  Re: Periodic confusionplain
 *  Re: Periodic confusionplain
 *  Re: RL problemplain
 *  Re: RTS/CTS Protocol for UNIX 4.0plain
 *  Re: Re: Caveat Hackor (cc generates bad code for int *= float)plain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: Onplain
 *  Re: Reply to: cpioplain
 *  Re: Security and Smart Terminalsplain
 *  Re: Setuid shell filesplain
 *  Re: Silo overflowsplain
 *  Re: TU78 and UDA50 drivers for 4.1bsdplain
 *  Re: Typesetter-independent TROFFplain
 *  Re: UNIX 3.0plain
 *  Re: UNIX 3.0plain
 *  Re: UNIX 3.0plain
 *  Re: UNIX 3.0plain
 *  Re: UNIX 3.0plain
 *  Re: UNIX System III and 'cpio'plain
 *  Re: UNIX System III and 'cpio'plain
 *  Re: UNIX System III and cpioplain
 *  Re: UNIX V7 programs - s, pascal, accountingplain
 *  Re: UNIX internals questionplain
 *  Re: UUCP dialing timesplain
 *  Re: UUCP dialing timesplain
 *  Re: UUCP for VMSplain
 *  Re: Unix for the VAX-11/730plain
 *  Re: VS11 Driver Wantedplain
 *  Re: \\\"Zork EMT trap\\\"plain
 *  Re: adm5 termcapplain
 *  Re: adm5 termcapplain
 *  Re: anyone have an archiver?plain
 *  Re: apparent bug in 4.1BSD DH/DM driverplain
 *  Re: avg blocks/fileplain
 *  Re: awk on little 11'splain
 *  Re: changing user id's (from Lauren)plain
 *  Re: checking spelling while editingplain
 *  Re: cp rds faultplain
 *  Re: disk emulatorsplain
 *  Re: enhancement to UNIX mail programplain
 *  Re: f77, overlapping initializationsplain
 *  Re: file locking problemplain
 *  Re: file locking problemplain
 *  Re: getopt(3)plain
 *  Re: getopt(3)plain
 *  Re: getopt(3)plain
 *  Re: improving terminal responseplain
 *  Re: ittvax.219 : Unix on a Series 1?plain
 *  Re: learning to unixplain
 *  Re: line disciplines considered inadequateplain
 *  Re: long filenamesplain
 *  Re: ms diagnosticplain
 *  Re: ms diagnosticplain
 *  Re: ms diagnosticplain
 *  Re: multibus tape controller driver wantedplain
 *  Re: multibus tape controller driver wantedplain
 *  Re: new name for USENETplain
 *  Re: nroff/troff table-of-contents macros wantedplain
 *  Re: overlay loaderplain
 *  Re: primes(1) & factor(1): Where are you?plain
 *  Re: pwbplain
 *  Re: security bugplain
 *  Re: stack spaceplain
 *  Re: termcap graphics capabilitiesplain
 *  Re: the newline at the end of mail. (lime.121)plain
 *  Re: unc.1658: UNIX objections: WHAT I WA (phs.194 followup)plain
 *  Re: unc.1658: UNIX objections: WHAT I WANTplain
 *  Re: unc.1M38 and RK05 sizeplain
 *  Re: unix licence queryplain
 *  Re: unix-wizards vs info-vaxplain
 *  Re: uucp and linksplain
 *  Re: vote for nameplain
 *  Re: vtroff_questionplain
 *  Re: watmath.1640 - unix license queryplain
 *  Re: watmath.1992: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: watmath.1992: A suggestion for a change to biffplain
 *  Re: we13.145: UUCP Transfers more than one machine deepplain
 *  Re: who one two three four five sixplain
 *  Re:_allegra_176_withdraw_arachnet_nameplain
 *  Regarding the Emulex CS-11plain
 *  Regis and GIGIplain
 *  Relational Data Base for UNIX?plain
 *  Remote job entryplain
 *  Reply to UNIX Objectionsplain
 *  Reply to WHAT I WANT (Bartels)plain
 *  Reply to: 'cpio'plain
 *  Reply to: C arrays: some odditiesplain
 *  Reply to: CNTL-D on outputplain
 *  Reply to: Onplain
 *  Reply to: Onplain
 *  Reply to: Typesetter-independent TROFFplain
 *  Reply to: Typesetter-independent TROFFplain
 *  Reply to: niceplain
 *  Request for DJ11 driverplain
 *  Request for HAKMEMplain
 *  Request for an electronic copy of the UUCP documentation.plain
 *  Request for uu??code sourceplain
 *  Responses to Arpa Wizardsplain
 *  Rogueplain
 *  Rogue (sri-unix.498 followup)plain
 *  SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  SRI serial line file transfer protocolplain
 *  Scanargs routineplain
 *  Screen or Window package for Franz Lispplain
 *  Search for UNIX COBOLplain
 *  Securityplain
 *  Security and Smart Terminalsplain
 *  Security at UCB, UNIXplain
 *  Security fixes for smart terminalsplain
 *  Shared Text for Split i/dplain
 *  Shared Text for Split i/dplain
 *  Shell enhancements for command arg checkingplain
 *  Silo overflowsplain
 *  Simulation programs?plain
 *  Software exchangeplain
 *  Stack Limit Registerplain
 *  Statistical Softwareplain
 *  Sticky Programs. /tmp in memoryplain
 *  Swapping useridsplain
 *  Synchronous 56kb under UNIX?plain
 *  TBL difficultiesplain
 *  TECOplain
 *  TERMCAP :plain
 *  TOPS-20 like command recognition for unixplain
 *  TS-11 driver for v6?plain
 *  TV program on Unixplain
 *  Televideo 950 termcapplain
 *  Terminalplain
 *  The Birth of a DUAL VAX-11/780plain
 *  The shell, glob expansion, and all thatplain
 *  U.S. Post Office Electronic Mailplain
 *  UN*X Visicalcplain
 *  UN*X visicalcplain
 *  UN*X visicalcplain
 *  UNIX 3.0plain
 *  UNIX 3.0plain
 *  UNIX 3.0 and f77 and user overlaysplain
 *  UNIX III -- foo!plain
 *  UNIX Mathematical Functions Historyplain
 *  UNIX Medical Office Systemsplain
 *  UNIX RX02 driver for 4.1bsdplain
 *  UNIX Softwareplain
 *  UNIX System III and 'cpio'plain
 *  UNIX V7 programs - s, pascal, accountingplain
 *  UNIX at WESCONplain
 *  UNIX for TRS-80 16plain
 *  UNIX internals questionplain
 *  UNIX is marketed for naive usersplain
 *  UNIX is marketed for naive usersplain
 *  UNIX is marketed for naive usersplain
 *  UNIX networkingplain
 *  UNIX objections: WHAT I WANTplain
 *  UNIX on 68000s?plain
 *  UNIX on LSI 11/23'splain
 *  UNIX on LSI-11/23plain
 *  UNIX on Series 1?plain
 *  UNIX on a Cyber 1830plain
 *  UNIX security breachplain
 *  UNIXspecific Salary Survey?plain
 *  URGENTLY Need Ramtek 9300 Driverplain
 *  UUCP Transfers more than one machine deepplain
 *  UUCP bugplain
 *  UUCP dialing timesplain
 *  UUCP for VMSplain
 *  UUCP multi-hops clarificationplain
 *  Undumping programplain
 *  Unix 3.0 vs V7plain
 *  Unix Book, Unix Users' Groupplain
 *  Unix Mathematical Functions Historyplain
 *  Unix NCPplain
 *  Unix Prologplain
 *  Unix Prologplain
 *  Unix Prologplain
 *  Unix archiverplain
 *  Unix for naive usersplain
 *  Unix for naive users (harpo.222 followup)plain
 *  Unix for the VAX-11/730plain
 *  Unix on DEC-10?plain
 *  Unix security flaw on front page of L.A. Timesplain
 *  Using curses with C-100plain
 *  V7, VAX-UNIX profiling bugplain
 *  VAX physplain
 *  VAX-11/730plain
 *  VAX-11/750 bugsplain
 *  VS11 Driver Wantedplain
 *  VS11 Driver Wantedplain
 *  Varian Printer/Plotter Problemsplain
 *  Vax 11/730 VM Unixplain
 *  Vax 11/750 strange occuranceplain
 *  Vax 750 machine checksplain
 *  Vax microcode bugplain
 *  Vax-11/780 MicroProgrammingplain
 *  Vax780 Fortranplain
 *  Ven-Tel 212 * & # digitsplain
 *  Ven-Tel 212+ for uucp?plain
 *  Versatec font programplain
 *  Version 7 on a PDP11/23plain
 *  Vote for nameplain
 *  WECo UNIX salesplain
 *  Wanted: CIF Plotter Softwareplain
 *  Western Peripherals Model 130 tape controllerplain
 *  Western Peripherals Model 130 tape controller, long opinionplain
 *  What is vi?plain
 *  Where's getopt?plain
 *  Wicat Systems?plain
 *  Writer's Workbenchplain
 *  \"Serial transfer protocols\"plain
 *  \"Zork EMT trap\"plain
 *  add to mailing list...plain
 *  adm21 termcap and reviewplain
 *  adm5 termcapplain
 *  adm5 termcapplain
 *  adm5 termcapplain
 *  adm5 termcapplain
 *  algol 60plain
 *  allegra.176 - withdraw ARACHNET nameplain
 *  apparent bug in 4.1BSD DH/DM driverplain
 *  auto baudingplain
 *  avg blocks/fileplain
 *  berkeley termcap entry for the adm5plain
 *  buffer cache bug?plain
 *  bugs in arffplain
 *  caveat hacktor and tertiary machinesplain
 *  changing groups and newgrpplain
 *  changing user id'splain
 *  changing user id'splain
 *  checking spelling while editingplain
 *  checking spelling while editingplain
 *  command completionplain
 *  command parsers (and lack thereof)plain
 *  count those :'s!plain
 *  cp rds faultplain
 *  cron when not suplain
 *  crt systat?plain
 *  crt system status programsplain
 *  crunchers and 'nice'plain
 *  csh for 4.0 unixplain
 *  csh history queryplain
 *  curses library fix: getstr()plain
 *  da11-b driver wantedplain
 *  device driver for DR11-B/DA11-B, DRV11-B/DA11-Bplain
 *  disk emulatorsplain
 *  dl11 driver neededplain
 *  dr11-w driver neededplain
 *  dumpdir bugplain
 *  electronic spread sheetsplain
 *  endersfenderplain
 *  enhancement to UNIX mail programplain
 *  enhancement to leaveplain
 *  extended signals/job controlplain
 *  extended signals/job controlplain
 *  file locking problemplain
 *  file locking problem (houxm.142 followup)plain
 *  floppy driver wantedplain
 *  game controlplain
 *  getopt(3) & scanargs(3): arg line scannersplain
 *  graphics/IP/devicesplain
 *  hayes smart modem?plain
 *  high quality graphics crt terminalsplain
 *  historyplain
 *  hp2648a termcap queryplain
 *  ieee-488plain
 *  improving terminal responseplain
 *  inode graftingplain
 *  kernalplain
 *  kernelplain
 *  kernel: clist code questionplain
 *  lex problemsplain
 *  line discplain
 *  line disciplines considered inadequateplain
 *  lines in curses/termcapplain
 *  linking /bin/cat to /bin/typeplain
 *  lint documentationplain
 *  lisp shellplain
 *  little known Unix commandsplain
 *  looking for 4.1 system running with 2 tape driver on an mbaplain
 *  looking for RM03 driverplain
 *  looking for unix on IBM Series/1plain
 *  lost nindex filesplain
 *  lots of uucp jobs and lots of dialers.plain
 *  malloc problemsplain
 *  meow!plain
 *  more about load grapher for 2.8/4.1 bsdplain
 *  more on /etc/rc and /dev/consoleplain
 *  more on security & smart terminalsplain
 *  ms diagnosticplain
 *  multibus tape controller driver wantedplain
 *  multiple databasesplain
 *  ncheck for large file systemsplain
 *  need RSX DR11-B driverplain
 *  new name for USENETplain
 *  new vadic auto-dial triple modemplain
 *  niceplain
 *  nice,interactive programsplain
 *  nroff/troff table-of-contents macros wantedplain
 *  online documentationplain
 *  overlay loaderplain
 *  pandora's boxplain
 *  pascal to C translatorplain
 *  pdp11 memory miscplain
 *  performance of async interfacesplain
 *  pl1 or cobolplain
 *  plot-10plain
 *  primes(1) & factor(1): Where are you?plain
 *  primes(1) & factor(1): Where are you? (ihps3.196 followup)plain
 *  pwbplain
 *  query about multiple block write efficiencyplain
 *  re: Device Driver Installationplain
 *  re: EMT trapplain
 *  realloc english translationplain
 *  recovering blown-away .nindex filesplain
 *  renaming of unix-wizards newsgroupplain
 *  resent messageplain
 *  restor bugplain
 *  rjs to ibm370plain
 *  rm02 or rm03 driverplain
 *  run on shellsplain
 *  running out of i-nodesplain
 *  rx211 driver requestedplain
 *  send mail via ARPAplain
 *  sep id kovplain
 *  sep id kovplain
 *  sep id ovly 2.8bsd kernelplain
 *  setuid & the super userplain
 *  setuid and shell scriptsplain
 *  shell bugplain
 *  shell errorplain
 *  stack spaceplain
 *  stty nohang bug in 4.1BSD DH/DM driverplain
 *  suid and shell scriptsplain
 *  swap algorithm changeplain
 *  swap modificationplain
 *  symorder, anyone?plain
 *  tab132 termcap info neededplain
 *  termcap entriesplain
 *  termcap for Concept 108plain
 *  termcap for SOL computerplain
 *  thanks for newsrecoverplain
 *  the newline at the end of mailplain
 *  the shell and stopped processesplain
 *  timer driver for 4.1bsdplain
 *  ts11 driverplain
 *  tu78 driverplain
 *  undump.cplain
 *  unetplain
 *  unibus only 780?plain
 *  unicesplain
 *  unix licence queryplain
 *  unix security flaw and delayed mailplain
 *  unix utility peevesplain
 *  unix wizards broken in halfplain
 *  unix-wizardsplain
 *  unix-wizards vs info-vaxplain
 *  unix/VMS FTPplain
 *  user interface WHAT I WANT phs followupplain
 *  using /bin/csh for single-user shell and /etc/rc in 4.1bsd?plain
 *  uucp and getpwnam() vs. null passwd entriesplain
 *  uucp and linksplain
 *  uucp which talks to Ventel autodialerplain
 *  versatec v-80-211 queryplain
 *  vote for nameplain
 *  vtroff rotationplain
 *  vtroff_questionplain
 *  want troff driver for compugraphics mcs8400plain
 *  wanted: more programplain
 *  what is a glob?plain

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