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Gopher: NET.test

 *  14K Testplain
 *  A Testplain
 *  A testplain
 *  Brave New Testplain
 *  Flaming Testplain
 *  From notesfile net.test at uicsovaxplain
 *  From notesfile net.test at uicsovaxplain
 *  Just a TESTplain
 *  Just a test.plain
 *  Mondo Testoplain
 *  Multiple Word Titleplain
 *  New_and_improvedplain
 *  Posting a prepared file.plain
 *  Re: THIS is atestplain
 *  Re: Testplain
 *  Re: Waste of timeplain
 *  Re: Waste of timeplain
 *  Re: another testplain
 *  Re: bnews 2.3 testplain
 *  Re: testplain
 *  TEST format of filesplain
 *  THIS is atestplain
 *  TITLE titleplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testing 1, 2, 3 ...plain
 *  Testing a new commandplain
 *  Testing berknet address generationplain
 *  Testing ucbcad connection (again)plain
 *  This is a testplain
 *  Waste of timeplain
 *  What else?plain
 *  Yet another testplain
 *  another new user tests the networkplain
 *  attention Silicon Valleyplain
 *  cancel duke.2054plain
 *  dont bother reading thisplain
 *  dont read thisplain
 *  guess...plain
 *  hiplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  ignore thisplain
 *  profile testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  test messageplain
 *  test, of courseplain
 *  test-o-mintplain
 *  testingplain
 *  testingplain
 *  testingplain
 *  testingplain
 *  testingplain
 *  testing 1,2,3,4...plain
 *  testing 2 3 4plain
 *  testing 4..3..2..1plain
 *  testing berknet addresses againplain
 *  testing new "inews"plain
 *  testing: attn arpanetplain
 *  this is a testplain
 *  this is a testplain
 *  titleplain
 *  underline testplain
 *  why isn't there any news?plain
 *  yet againplain
 *  yet another testplain

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