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Gopher: NET.math

 *  0.9999... infinityplain
 *  2 = 1plain
 *  2=1plain
 *  82.05.6_floyd.197_net.mathplain
 *  A Number Theory Problemplain
 *  A tough chestnutplain
 *  Alabama paradoxplain
 *  An oldie but goodieplain
 *  Another Math Queryplain
 *  Another debunking of the paradox of Newcombeplain
 *  Another paradox...plain
 *  Book on Paradoxesplain
 *  Compactificationsplain
 *  FFT help?plain
 *  Favorite Paradoxplain
 *  I=0 paradoxplain
 *  Latticesplain
 *  Most Important Equationplain
 *  Newcomb Yet Againplain
 *  Newcomb's Paradox pollplain
 *  Newcomb's paradox <AGAIN>plain
 *  Newcombe again... (L O N G !)plain
 *  Newcombe's Paradox - the last word.plain
 *  Newcombe's paradoxplain
 *  Newcombe's paradox debunked (maybe)plain
 *  Paradoxplain
 *  Paradox in set theoryplain
 *  Permutationsplain
 *  RE: Paradoxenplain
 *  Re:plain
 *  Re: 2 = 1plain
 *  Re: 2=1 by Decotplain
 *  Re: 2=1 by Decotplain
 *  Re: An oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Another paradox...plain
 *  Re: Newcomb Yet Againplain
 *  Re: Newcombe again... (L O N G !)plain
 *  Re: Newcombe's Paradoxplain
 *  Re: Newcombe's Paradoxplain
 *  Re: Newcombe's paradoxplain
 *  Re: Newcombe's paradoxplain
 *  Re: Oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Set Theory Paradoxplain
 *  Re: Solution (?) to oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Solution(?) to oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Solution(?) to oldie but goodieplain
 *  Re: Whats a paradox?plain
 *  Re: You Too Can Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  Re: You Too Can Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  Re: You Too Can Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  Re: You Too Can Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  Re: houxn.124: Newcombe's PARADOX ?plain
 *  Re: lime.226: Newcomb Yet Againplain
 *  Re: log0 queryplain
 *  Re: log0 queryplain
 *  Re: log0 queryplain
 *  Re: whats your favorite paradox?plain
 *  Request help on lattice problemplain
 *  Resolving Newcombe's Paradoxplain
 *  So I'm Not a Math Geniusplain
 *  Solution (?) to oldie but goodieplain
 *  Solution(?) to oldie but goodieplain
 *  Spline Functionsplain
 *  Statement of the Chinese Remainder Theoremplain
 *  Whats a paradox?plain
 *  You Can Too Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  You Too Can Be A Math Geniusplain
 *  anomaliesplain
 *  hello.plain
 *  log 0 - log 0 = 0plain
 *  log(0) revisitedplain
 *  log0 queryplain
 *  my favorite paradoxplain
 *  newcombe paradoxplain
 *  oldieplain
 *  oldie but goodie (sqrt)plain
 *  what's your favorite paradox?plain

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