Aresearch.135 net.columbia utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!mhtsa!harpo!research!sjb Mon Nov 2 21:48:34 1981 feedback [Note: this submission is rather long compared to the others -- just thought I'd prepare you!] > >From houxf!ziegler Mon Nov 2 09:24:56 1981 FROM: j.j.ziegler (houxf!ziegler) TO: research!sjb DATE: 11/2/81, 9:11 AM SUBJECT: "real important stuff" I realize that other people may have objections, but I personally find the articles you submit to net.columbia interesting, informative and entirely worthwhile. Perhaps others have other access to such information, but for me net.columbia (and in particular your submissions) is the main source of shuttle info. I say KEEP IT COMIN'. -Joe > >From houxf!kutsch Mon Nov 2 10:20:14 1981 FROM: j.a.kutsch TO: research!sjb DATE: 11/2/81, 10:14 AM SUBJECT: net.colombia Contrary to the recent criticism of net.colombia, I find the current mode of operation quite satisfactory. I don't read the newspaper or catch radio or tv news very often. I find your updates an excellent way to keep current on the shuttle's activities. The reason I have not posted any articles or entered into any discussion is that, so far, there has been nothing to discuss. There are probably many other readers in the same category as I am. I decided to become non-silent momentarily to let you know I was a happy reader. Keep up the good work. - Jim (houxf!kutsch) > >From ucbvax!pur-ee!davy Mon Nov 2 01:27:07 1981 To: ucbvax!research!sjb Subject: columbia vs. space Cc: davy ucbvax!ucla-s!lauren Adam: I think I agree with you about NOT digesting net.columbia, but I think Lauren made a valid point, too. I suppose I should give my thoughts on this subject: [1] net.columbia should NOT be digested for the following reasons: [a] Sometimes digests can take 2 or more days to get here. [b] Since I often read my news inbetween compiles, etc., I will often skip over the digests, particularly if it is 300 lines long. [c] The whole idea of "updates", which seems to be what this group is for, would be eliminated by the digest idea. [2] Lauren did make a valid point though, sometimes the updates do get a little numerous (5 tiles, 10 tiles, 15.....). I might suggest perhaps two submissions a day, one in the AM, one in the PM. [3] I think that it might be nice if some discussion took place in net.columbia, however, then it would be competing with and the digest, so let's just leave it the way it is: net.columbia - updates space-digest - discussion Dave Curry (pur-ee!davy) ---------------------------------------- General response (no offense intended for my responding in this way): Thank you all for your replies. Be assured that under no circumstance will I let the amount of information flowing through net.columbia deliberately drop. If there is info. to put in and no one has done it, I certainly will! How- ever, sometimes other people get it faster than I. If that is the case, please don't hesitate to put it in. Remember, I might not log on till late (case, tonight) and if you held the info. up waiting for me, others might not see it until tomorrow. Now, for the space vs. columbia issue: As I said before, I do not want columbia to compete with SPACE or vice-versa over any issue. You may feel free (gee, I must love that phrase!) to put anything of relevance to space into this newsgroup, or mail it to the SPACE digest for inclusion in an upcoming issue, or both. My general feeling towards the content of columbia is that if it pertains to space, it has a place here! adam ----------------------------------------------------------------- gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen of This Usenet Oldnews Archive article may be copied and distributed freely, provided: 1. There is no money collected for the text(s) of the articles. 2. The following notice remains appended to each copy: The Usenet Oldnews Archive: Compilation Copyright (C) 1981, 1996 Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman.