Aucbvax.5279 fa.unix-wizards utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!unix-wizards Sun Nov 22 09:41:23 1981 Re: unamed bit fields and other losses on v7 c >From Lepreau@UTAH-20 Sun Nov 22 09:39:31 1981 Both the v7 & 4.1 versions of pcc support initialized bit fields, which the Richie compiler does not. Only the 4.1 compiler supports signed fields. HOWEVER, the C reference manual clearly states that "implementations are not required to support anything but integer [NB 'integer' not 'int'] fields. Moreover, even 'int' fields may be considered to be unsigned." Moral: only use unsigned fields. Lint catches int's. ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen of This Usenet Oldnews Archive article may be copied and distributed freely, provided: 1. There is no money collected for the text(s) of the articles. 2. The following notice remains appended to each copy: The Usenet Oldnews Archive: Compilation Copyright (C) 1981, 1996 Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman.