Aucbvax.5198 fa.unix-wizards utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!unix-wizards Sun Nov 15 22:59:28 1981 unamed bit fields and other losses on v7 c >From CSVAX.william@Berkeley Sun Nov 15 22:18:30 1981 The Ritchie compiler on std V7 UNIX does not implement: unsigned chars, unsigned longs , bit fields. I may have forgotten a few others. A newer version is rumored on it's way out from Bell. However, the pcc released seems to due the above less unsigned longs.. Bill ----------------------------------------------------------------- gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen of This Usenet Oldnews Archive article may be copied and distributed freely, provided: 1. There is no money collected for the text(s) of the articles. 2. The following notice remains appended to each copy: The Usenet Oldnews Archive: Compilation Copyright (C) 1981, 1996 Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman.